Aliyah: Home Is Where the Heart Is
If any of you have ever been to Israel before, you know that feeling when your El-Al plane touches down in Ben Gurion airport. Everyone’s clapping, Hatikva starts playing, you look out the window and know you are on the ground we read about so much in Hebrew school. And even though you’re disoriented from the 16 hour plane ride, you’re happy. You are home.
That’s the crazy thing about Israel. It’s halfway around the world, speaks a different language, a different culture, but it feels like home. Jews from all over the world have been and are still leaving comfortable lives in countries they grew up in to live in Israel. It’s called making Aliya.
We wanted to show how incredible this sense of belonging people feel to Israel is; and we thought the best way ot do that was through the stories of these new immigrants, or Olim. So our documentary; Aliya: home is where the heart is, is just that. Telling their stories.
Produced by Write On For Israel/San Francisco teen participants